Will a yeast infection go away on its own?

Reviewed by Theresa H. Care Delivery Manager & Family Nurse Practitioner

Time saver 3 min read

Your body is beautiful and intelligent. And every minute of every day, it works to maintain a healthy equilibrium and environment. But sometimes, things get out of balance. And when it comes to your vagina, an imbalance can lead to a yeast infection. If this happens, you may wonder what you should do. Should you treat a yeast infection? Will a yeast infection go away on its own? Keep reading for the skinny on yeast infections and treatment options

The biology of a yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are super common. They’re also super uncomfortable – with symptoms like vaginal itching, inflammation and soreness causing major physical discomfort and majorly disrupting your life. But why do vaginal yeast infections happen?  

Different strains of bacteria and fungus naturally live in your body – including in the vagina. Normally in a healthy vagina, a bacteria called lactobacillus keeps the fungus, Candida albicans in check. When in balance lactobacillus and Candida albicans co-exist to create a healthy and diverse microbiome. But when something happens to tip the scales – think antibiotics or even spending the day in a wet swimsuit – Candida can grow unchecked and you develop a yeast infection.       

Can my body fight off a yeast infection? 

If you get a yeast infection, you may think that your body will just fight off the infection and restore balance on its own. After all, when it comes to warding off things like germs, viruses, bacteria and infections – our bodies are constantly playing defense without us even knowing.  

While your amazing body works hard to keep you healthy, sometimes it needs a little help. And the truth is that by the time you’re experiencing those common yeast infection symptoms, it’s probably too late – it’s time to call in the pros and seek medical treatment. 

Did you know?

If left untreated a yeast infection can develop into a more serious infection that’s also more difficult to treat. At the first sign of an infection, prompt treatment is the best way to feel better fast and prevent a yeast infection from returning.

How long does a yeast infection last?

Yeast infection symptoms can be really uncomfortable and make it difficult to impossible to enjoy everything from working out to having sex. That’s why, at the first sign of a yeast infection, most women don’t mess around and seek treatment right away.  

To kill the Candida albicans fungus that’s causing your yeast infection, you need an antifungal medication. While these medications are available over the counter, the cream and suppository forms you find at your local drugstore tend to be messy and typically require multiple days of use.  

Thankfully, there’s a much easier and faster way to treat a yeast infection. You can get one-pill prescription treatment online at Virtuwell. In addition to prescribing Diflucan (fluconazole) – a one-dose antifungal medication that quickly clears up yeast infections – we’ll provide tips and advice on how to soothe symptoms while you heal. 

Yeast infection symptoms won’t go away with treatment?

Symptoms like vaginal itching, swelling and discharge can be signs of other vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis and common sexually transmitted infections. Get answers and treatment online today.

Get clear on yeast infection treatment options

When it comes to your vagina and sexual health, don’t ignore uncomfortable symptoms. Get the treatment and prescription medication you need to quickly clear up a vaginal yeast infection and get back in balance. 

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