5 holiday season health tips
It’s that time of year again. When families and friends gather to celebrate, give thanks and break bread. Unfortunately, the holidays are also prime for spreading germs, catching viruses and feeling run-down. Need a little help making it through this season’s festivities and overindulgences? We’re here to help!
Stay healthy this holiday season
No one wants to spend the holidays not feeling well or dealing with a health issue. Here are five tips to help you avoid common illnesses and conditions and keep your body - and mind - healthy and happy.
1. Get vaccinated
A brush with the flu or COVID-19 could seriously derail your holiday plans. The best way to protect against spending the holidays sick in bed ? Get vaccinated against the seasonal flu and COVID-19. Vaccines are widely available at local pharmacies and healthcare clinics. A huge bonus of getting vaccinated? You’re not only protecting yourself, but also elderly and little loved ones.
2. Wash up
It’s always a good idea to wash your hands. But this time of year, as more people gather indoors and share food, it’s especially important. Do your part to keep colds, viruses and conditions like pink eye at bay. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and try to avoid touching your face. Soap and hot water in short supply? Use hand sanitizer to keep germs at bay while out and about.
3. Moisturize
The colder temps can do a number on your skin. Dry and itchy skin can lead to mystery rashes and result in flares of conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Be kind to your skin. Moisturize and protect skin by slathering on thick and fragrance-free lotions. To calm itchy and irritated patches, use an over-the-counter cream with 1% hydrocortisone.
4. Turn up the humidity
The drier air and low humidity that accompany the winter months can leave your sinuses feeling parched and inflamed. To avoid sinus infections and sore throats, it’s important to keep mucus flowing and draining. Drink an extra glass or two of water and run a humidifier at night to give your body the extra fluids it needs to thin mucus and keep sinus passages clear.
5. Stay active
As daylight hours dwindle and the colder temps set in, it can be really tempting to hunker down and cuddle up on the couch. Fight the urge to hibernate. Your body is made to move! The benefits of getting even 30 minutes of exercise each day can go a long way towards keeping your body and mind primed during what can be a hectic season for many. Talk a walk, do some yoga, go sledding or get your steps in at the mall. Just do something and make it a goal to move your body every day.
However you spend this holiday season, we wish you and your family the best and hope you stay well.
And remember, if a UTI, fever or rash crash your holiday celebration, we’re here for you. Just start a visit.